Talking about smoking it means that we are going to talk about a very complicated problem. Why? Because smoking has a strong relationship with a lot of aspects of this life. And nowadays, the problem getting worse than before. Here is the real condition about smoking in our country, base on the 65 million persons or 28% are smoker.
Male :
-adult 63 %
-teenager 24.1%
-adult 4.5%
-teenager 4%
Base on the table above, it prove that not only adult that doing smoking but also teenager. In 2004-2008 the amount of smoker in Indonesia increase until 18,6%. Based on the in Indonesia 11000 persons die because of smoking.
The reasons why this topic rising up to the surface are :
a. WHO already prohibited some of countries to smoking.
b. Time by the time the victims that caused by smoking increase
c. Global warming getting worse and worse
If in Indonesia the smoker never get the goverment’s attention there are a lot of probability that will happen for example more people will die, our earth will destroy because of Global warming, Indonesia’s economic situation will nerver developed.
The first argument come from health point of view that is smoking just kill Indonesian. There are so diseases that caused by smoking. Cigarette consist of so many dangerous chemical subtances like Tar, Nicotine, Carbon monoxcide,etc. In Indonesia one big example disease that caused by smoking named Cancer. This disease make 1,8 milions people die every year in Indonesia. If we look at the facts that already happened there is no doubt in ourselves to bann smoking in our country.
The second argument is about social side that is smoking can kill the other person slowly. Why do we said like that, as we all know smoker divided into passive and active smoker. The passive smoker has more chance to die sooner, and this argument also supported by the researcher statement that said to be passive smoker is more dangerous than the active smoker. So, a lot of persons who is not smoker doesn’t like someone who smoking. Because sometime smoker has a strange behavior. And it is really bother their socialization process. From facebook we got an information that 1263 persons suffer lung diseases because they are a passive smoker.
Another reason is about environment side. Smoking give bad effect for our earth, and the other human being. Carbon monoxcide that produced by smoking increase the amount of CO gas in our earth and it make our earth’s condition getting worse day by day. Cigarette is one of big pollutant, especially for the air, land, and water. One of the fact, the air is polluted by the smoke that produce from smoking. Let us imagine if 65 milion persons smoking 3 times in a day, what do you think that our earth will be smoky. Usually smoker just throw the dust that produced by smoking to the land. And all of subtances that they have thrown to the land become a big pollutant for our land. It makes our land is not fertilize anymore. So, bravely we say that smoking should be banned.
The fourth reason appear from crime point of view. There are a lot of students include senior and junior high school is educated to be bad person. Why ? because, if they are to be addiction smoker, they will do anything to get money in order to be able buy cigarette. In our surrounding there are so many cases happen. For example the student steal their parent’s money or asked their friend’s money because they do not have enough money to buy cigarette. If this attitude grow up in their own, we believe they will do crime thing that bigger than they ever done. So,the government really need to prohibit their civilian to consume cigarette in order to build a better future for our young generation.
The last reason is based on the economy point of view. A lot of people waste their money for buying the cigarette. In a year Indonesian waste 100 quintillion just for buy it, moreover poor people never give a chance for their children to go to school, because they just think about how to buy cigarette. Base on the we got an information that driver who get 50 thousand waste 24 thousand in a day too just for cigarette. How can we developed our country if the civilian just think about cigarette.
We will offer you a big solution that can help us. And first, i know that you are thinking about all of the worker life if smoking is prohibited in our country. If you think like that it means that you don’t know about smoke industry’s condition nowadays. In Indonesia tobacco production always decrease about 15%, because our agriculture is not strong enough and it make a lot of farmer can’t plant thier tobacco. Let us imagine, if it still happen, i believe in 2 or 3 years cigarette industries will go bankrupt. So it really wrong if you said that there are a lot of people dependent their life in this kind of industry. And the government income from cigarette and tobacco only 2.5%. it means that it is not too big. Here, bravely we can say that it is really possible for us to prohibite our civilian to smoking and we can safe all of the labour that work in cigarette factories by developed the other sectors. Here, we have some sectors that never gat a big attention from the government and if we give it our little attention it will need a lot of workers. But we want to reinforce again that we just want to close cigarette industry but all of tobacco farmer still able to plant their tobacco but it is for export commodity. and export tobacco is a big chance for our country, it proves by our data that is base on the metrotvnews that our chance to export tobacco i s increase 29.32% in last year. So it really good for us. One big sectors that need a lot of workers is tourism sector. Base on the , shanghai need 9000 workers, selandia need 2000 workers snd arab saudi need 19000 workers, but Indonesia just can give them 2000 workers. If the government give big attention to this chance i believe cigarette is not our problem anymore to banned smoking in our country.
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